Bullying will make you feel lonely.
Bullying can make you feel physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face to face or online like snap chat or Instagram.
Bullying is the use of force. Bullying is the activity of repeated aggressive behavior. bullyin is also blackmailing others like using their personol informaiton. Whether we are adult, child or the bullying is at school, in the community, at work, on line or at home. By law, all schools must have measures in place to prevent bullying and teachers.
There are many forms of bullying. All forms of bullying can cause harm or worse. there are things you can do to deal with the bully like if you witness bullying, then there are things you can do to stand up for someone else. Be a friend to someone whose being bullied, help the target talk to someone or Talk to parents, teachers, principals, and staff about bullying at school.